Java Javascript
Scott E. Hudson. Modified by Frank Flannery, C. Scott Ananian, Dan Wang with advice from Andrew W. Appel. Currently maintained by C. Scott Ananian
The INRIA research action Java Card has as its aim to coordinate research carried out at INRIA concerning formal aspects of Java and Java Card, a Java dialect for programming smart cards.
The Java Card language (latest version: 2.1) is a subset of Java. Certain data types such as long integers, floating-point values and characters have been removed; there are no threads and classes are not loaded dynamically. The language has been extended with facilities for programming atomic transactions and for specifying applet isolation and sharing through interfaces (only in Java Card 2.1). The Java card language is being designed in collaboration with the Research themes, A French summary of the project's activities.
is an excellent JavaScript resource with tons of "cut & paste" JavaScript examples for your web pages. All for free!
(lex-yacc for java)
Welcome to the CUJ Java Solutions home page! This site is the online version of the Java Solutions supplement, which was first published with the December 1999 issue of C/C++ Users Journal.
Java Solutions is a resource for C/C++ programmers who want to keep up with what's happening in Java.
Harissa is a Java environment that includes a compiler from Java bytecode to C and a Java interpreter. While Harissa is aimed at applications that are statically configured, such as the Javac compiler, it is also designed to allow code to be dynamically loaded in an already compiled application. This novel feature is introduced by integrating our bytecode interpreter in the runtime library.
JavaScript. Phase lunaire, Calculs astronomiques, Simulateur Copernic, Satellites de Jupiter, Night & day
These two functions fix the unfortunate Netscape 4 bug that causes the page to lose most of its CSS information when the window is resized. This code can simply be dropped into the head of your document.
is also a very popular site containing interesting applets
JAWAA is a scripting language for creating animations on the web easily. Written in Java, the program provides an interface through which users can write animations and then display them with any web browser that supports Java.
The original JAWAA was created at Duke University.
Susan H. Rodger, Willard Pierson, Pretesh Patel, Thomas Finlay, Ayonike Akingbade, Diana Jackson.
by Marcello Bastéa-Forte
jsgen is a program that allows you to easily interface C++ classes from JavaScript in SpiderMonkey. SpiderMonkey is a JavaScript engine for C/C++.
mpiJava is an object-oriented Java interface to the standard Message Passing Interface (MPI).
Warning! These Java applets perform hostile acts.
These simple Java applets were created in order to point out the potential for downloading hostile applets. They weren't designed to be beautiful. Clearly there are many more effective ways that things can be done, and the presence of hostile activity need not be advertised at all.
We have designed a collaborative scientific data visualization package that will aid researchers from distant, diverse locations to work together in developing scientific codes, providing them with a system to analyze their scientific data.
Chernoff faces are a method of visualizing multidimensional data developed by statistican Herman Chernoff.
Chernoff Faces are a way of graphing multivariate data in a way which is easily discerned by humans, due to their ability to perceive minute differences in facial characteristics. This method of graphing multivariate data was first proposed in 1973 by Herman Chernoff, in "The use of faces to represent points in k-dimensional space graphically", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 68:361-367.
by Brad Mohr. Faces is a screensaver module for use with Berkeley Systems' After Dark or any other screensaver that will run After Dark modules (such as Darkside of the Mac). It generates and displays random Chernoff faces.
a non-commercial Java 1.1 applet by Martin Kraus
a library that provides some Haskell language features implemented in javascript
Takes a well-formed JSON string and returns the resulting JavaScript object.
CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript.
Underneath all those awkward braces and semicolons, JavaScript has always had a gorgeous object model at its heart. CoffeeScript is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way.
built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.
JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier library for NodeJS.
cl-uglify-js Common Lisp version.
is a tool for making JavaScript download and run faster. It is a true compiler for JavaScript. Instead of compiling from a source language to machine code, it compiles from JavaScript to better JavaScript. It parses your JavaScript, analyzes it, removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what's left. It also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls.
JacORB is an object request broker written in Java - an implementation of OMG's CORBA 2.0 standard. JacORB is free, easy to install and use.
Introduce the java compiler and interprete...
JavaScript Source
Emmanuel PUYBARET / eTeks Dernière mise àjour le 23/07/2001 (version 1.2.2)
L'éditeur JavaScript
Calcul de la fraction continue égale au réel positif x
x = a0 + 1/(a1 + 1 /(a2 + 1/(a3 + ...))) = [a0, a1, a2, a3, ... ]
En ligne ou déconnecté, modifiez les exemples et
exécutez les àvolonté comme ci-dessus (
fractions continues)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Université du Maine
Bruno Mascret
Les INSA (Instituts Nationaux des Sciences Appliquées) font partie des "Grandes Ecoles" françaises, avec la particularité d'avoir des premiers cycles intégrés. Ils correspondent au modèle européen des Universités en science et technologie. La mission prioritaire des INSA est de former en cinq ans après les études secondaires des ingénieurs hautement qualifiés. Les INSA effectuent aussi des activités de recherche, et délivrent des titres de Docteur (3 à4 années d'études supplémentaires).
Greg Hopkins Traduction par Ap0 du document original sur
Ce tutoriel est basé sur le seul existant àce jour :
"Getting Started with the JAVA 3D API" de Sun Microsystem.
OpenGl Le guide du routard - VRML
1.My First Applet 2.Elementary Java Graphics 3.Color and Fonts 4.Images and Sound 5.Java Geometry 6.Object-oriented Geometry 7.Advanced Graphics Applications 8.User Interfaces 9.My Favorite Applet T
Dr Peter Robinson
has developed various tutorials as a part of it's educational outreach program. These tutorials encompass varios aspects of Web related techologies such as HTML, Java, Java Script, Parallel Databases and HPDC technologies.
Retrouvez Un Nouveau Guide Int
LALR parser generator for java
dynamic graphics with maple. Steve Dugaro (CECM) and Konrad Polthier (TU-Berlin)
Danny Goodman Author and Consultant
by Danny Goodman, Author of "JavaScript Bible"
CoffeeScript Family (& Friends) - JavaScript Parsers and Extensions - Javascript Optimizers