Page consacrée aux
fractions égyptiennes
Continued fraction representations
The Wolfram Functions Site was created as a resource for the educational, mathematical, and scientific communities. (Wolfram Research, Inc.)
I. Introduction. II. An algorithm: continued fractions III. Rational functions/ power series expansion in continued fractions
Web site on elementary physics and different ways of looking at life.
There are two primary sources and a number of secondary sources on Egyptian Mathematics. The primary sources are the Rhind (or Ahmes) Papyrus and the Moscow Papyrus, and between them they contain 112 problems with solutions. Among the secondary sources are three payri from ~1800 BC: Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll (a table of 26 decompositions of unit fractions); the Berlin Papyrus (two problems of simultaneous equations - one of the 2nd degree); the Reisner Papyrus (volume calculations).
La gamme un peu de theorie : Rappel de physique, Physiologie de l'oreille, Harmoniques et timbres, Problème de la gamme, Fractions continues, 1ere 2eme 3eme 4eme approx.
Dr Ron Knott
Continued Fraction of ...
Valérie Ménissier-Morain L'arithmétique exacte , La preuve formelle mécanisée , Le calcul formel certifié , La qualité des calculs flottants
Jean-Paul Davalan
Le nombre positif X dont on cherche le développement en fraction continue est donné sous la forme d'une fraction A/B ou d'un nombre décimal D.
Bill Gosper
by John D. Barrow
Egyptian Fractions Kevin Gong UC Berkeley Math 196 Spring 1992
T. Lelièvre 2 oct. 2001
Fractions continues classiques, fractions continues au plus proche entier, propriétés, th. de Lévy. Interprétations géométriques. surface de Veech (octogone régulier dont on a identifié les côtés opposés)
Some identities due to Karlin and Szegö which provide a relationship between determinants of classical orthogonal polynomials of Wronskian and Hankel type are shown to be specializations of a general algebraic identity between minors of a matrix. (Développements en fractions continues de certaines fonctions)
(N'a rien à voir avec les fractions continues :
erratum du livre " LOGIQUES, ENSEMBLES, CATÃGORIES. Le point de vue constructif." que j'ai lu et que je recommande vivement).
On the connexion of quaternions with continued fractions and quadratic equations
William Rowan Hamilton 1853
Terence Jackson, Keith Matthews
We give a more practical variant of Shanks' 1954 algorithm for computing the continued fraction of log_b a, for integers a > b > 1, using the floor and ceiling functions and an integer parameter c > 1. The variant, when repeated for a few values of c = 10^r, enables one to guess if log_b a is rational and to find approximately r partial quotients.
I. Vardi Mathematica Journal (1996)
Beeler, M., Gosper, R.W., and Schroeppel, R. HAKMEM. MIT AI Memo 239, Feb. 29, 1972. Retyped and converted to html ('Web browser format) by
Henry Baker, April, 1995.
ITEM 101B (Gosper): Continued Fraction Arithmetic
Continued fractions let us perform numerical calculations a little at a time without ever introducing any error, such as roundoff or truncation. As if this weren't enough, the calculations provide automatic error analysis, and obviate most forms of successive approximation. This means we can start with an arithmetic expression like sqrt(3/pi^2 + e) / (tanh(sqrt(5)) - sin(69)) and immediately begin to produce the value as a sequence of continued fraction terms (or even decimal digits, if we should be so reactionary), limited only by time and storage...
Jean Vuillemin INRIA 1987
M. Couchouron
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Statue de Simon Stevin à Bruges
(Bruges 1548 - La Haye Février 1620)
De formation linguistique et philosophique (doctorat en 1647 à Oxford) et fondateur avec Wallis de la Royal Society, William Brounker se passionne néanmoins pour les mathématiques. Sur la demande de son ami Wallis, il entreprend des recherches sur et les fractions continues, ce qui lui permet de proposer le développement de /4 sous cette forme d'après la formule de Wallis.