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Albert Einstein (Ulm 1879 - Princeton 1955)

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S. Morgan Friedman
A. Einstein  Image and Impact
AIP History Center exhibit. The Center for History of Physics
The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Mathematics, North Dakota State University.

The Mathematics Genealogy Project

Explore how Einstein's revolution in physics has led to X-rays, microwave ovens, lasers, and many other modern devices.



W.W.Hansen Experimental Physics Lab - Stanford University
Gravity Probe B is the relativity gyroscope experiment being developed by NASA and Stanford University to test two extraordinary, unverified predictions of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity.
The experiment will check, very precisely, tiny changes in the direction of spin of four gyroscopes contained in an Earth satellite orbiting at 400-mile altitude directly over the poles. So free are the gyroscopes from disturbance that they will provide an almost perfect space-time reference system. They will measure how space and time are warped by the presence of the Earth, and, more profoundly, how the Earth's rotation drags space-time around with it. These effects, though small for the Earth, have far-reaching implications for the nature of matter and the structure of the Universe.
BEC   Bose-Einstein Condensation in a gas:
a new form of matter at the coldest temperatures in the universe... Predicted 1924... Created 1995



"for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect"
Presentation Speech by Professor S. Arrhenius, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, on December 10, 1922 (The Nobel Prize in Physics 1921 was announced on November 9, 1922)
Pictures, Sound Recording and Film Footage...



jrth.physik.uni-frankfurt.de - Joachim Reinhardt



Jean Pestieau 16 août 2005
Albert Einstein (1879-1955) a été le physicien le plus important du 20e siècle par les découvertes révolutionnaires qu'il a accomplies entre 1905 et 1925 [1]. Résident aux Etats-Unis de 1933 à 1955, son prestige n'a fait que s'amplifier dans le grand public, non seulement par sa renommée scientifique mais toujours plus par ses prises de position et actions dans le domaine politico-moral. Ici, nous allons considérer (l'évolution de) la position d'Einstein vis-à-vis de l'armement nucléaire des Etats-Unis entre 1939 et 1955.



Laurent Baulieu
Ce document présente les notions de base de la relativité générale. Il est tiré des notes de cours donnés par l'auteur en enseignement de majeure à l'Ecole Polytechnique (53 pages).



Alain Bouquet - Physique Corpusculaire et Cosmologie Collège de France
Relativité  - Albert Einstein
Relativity  The Special and General Theory
Bartleby.com bookstore > Albert Einstein___
Gabrielle Bonnet
I. Historique : de Galilée à nos jours : évolution de la notion de vitesse de la lumière, II. Indices optiques : dérivation à partir des équations de Maxwell, signification physique, expression, III. Relativité et vitesse de la lumière, IV. Plus vite que la lumière?
CultureSciences-Physique Site d'accompagnement de la physique en lycée



U. Eckern, AdP Editor in Chief - the University of Augsburg Library
Annalen der Physik, 4th series, 1900-1928, vol. 1-87 (resp. vol. 306-392)
one of the most ambitious publishing ventures ever undertaken in the documentation of the history of science. Selected from among more than 40,000 documents contained in the personal collection of Albert Einstein (1879-1955), and 15,000 Einstein and Einstein-related documents discovered by the editors since the beginning of the Einstein Project, The Collected Papers will provide the first complete picture of a massive written legacy that ranges from Einstein's first work on the special and general theories of relativity and the origins of quantum theory, to expressions of his profound concern with civil liberties, education, Zionism, pacifism, and disarmament...
Year of Einstein In 1905, Albert Einstein published five scholarly papers that changed the course of modern physics and later established him as the world's leading physicist.



né à Ulm le 14 mars 1879, décédé à Princeton le 18 avril 1955.
<http://www.bib.ulb.ac.be/coursmath/bio/einstein.htm> <http://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/object.cfm?key=35&objkey=35>



School of Mathematics and Statistics University of St Andrews, Scotland



film documentaire muet 1923 Dave Fleisher



2002 thru 2003 - Organized by the American Museum of Natural History, New York; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ; and the Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles.



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