Physique quantique - Ordinateurs quantiques - Quantic
est un ensemble d'applets Java interactives illustrant divers aspects de la physique quantique à l'aide de simulations et d'animations. C'est l'un des éléments d'un projet entrepris par Jean-Louis Basdevant, Jean Dalibard et Manuel Joffre en vue de développer un cours de physique quantique interactif, enseigné à l'Ecole Polytechnique.
The discovery that quantum physics allows fundamentally new modes of information processing has required the existing theories of computation (Turing), information (Shannon) and cryptography to be superseded by their quantum generalisations. The Centre for Quantum Computation, based at the University of Oxford, conducts theoretical and experimental research into all aspects of quantum information processing, and into the implications of the quantum theory of computation for physics itself.
Caltech - MIT - USC
QUIC is a collaboration of 5 groups at 3 universities, undertaking experimental, theoretical, and modelling investigations into quantum computing. The long range goal of this program of research is to realize a totally new class of computing engine --The Quantum Computer. It will directly employ the principles of quantum mathematics to perform, in a massively parallel fashion, calculations that are infeasible on today's computers.
Didier Verkindt
Research Projects
Ordinateurs quantiques
De la relativité générale à la
mécanique quantique .
Professor of Theoretical Physics Division of Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy California Institute of Technology
Single-particle quantum mechanics states in one dimension.
Radiative transitions (absorption and stimulated emission) in one dimension.
This JAVA applet integrates the Schrödinger wave equation. The wave funcition Psi(x,t) is initially a guassian wave packet moving to the right. The probability density p(x,t) = |Psi(x,t)|^2 is shown in black. The real and imaginary parts of Psi(x,t) are shown in blue and green. The potential energy function v(x) is shown in red.
John Preskill and Alexei Kitaev Fall, 1998
Professor Umesh Vazirani
by E. T. Jaynes
Bernhard Ãmer - QCL is a hight level, architecture independent programming language for quantum computers, with a syntax derived from classical procedural languages like C or Pascal. This allows for the complete implementation and simulation of quantum algorithms (including classical components) in one consistent formalism.
From Un saut d'echelle pour les calculateurs by A. Barenco, A.Ekert, A. Sanpera and C.Machiavello appeared in La Recherche Nov 1996.
André Berthiaume January 1996
by Neil Gershenfeld and Isaac L. Chuang
Oliver T. Dasbach, Stefan Hougardy
23 pages to appear in "Quantum Information Processing"
Is there any hope for quantum computing to challenge the Turing barrier, i.e. to solve an undecidable problem, to compute an uncomputable function?
Samuel L. Braunstein. In this paper we give a tutorial on how quantum mechanics can be used to improve computation. Our challenge: solving an exponentially difficult problem for a conventional computer---that of factoring a large number.
QDD is a C++ library which provides a relatively intuitive set of quantum computing constructs within the context of the C++ programming environment. QDD is unique in that the its emulation of quantum computing is based upon a Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) representation of the quantum state.
N 1999, legendary theoretical physicist Hans Bethe delivered three lectures on quantum theory to his neighbors at the Kendal of Ithaca retirement community (near Cornell University). Given by Professor Bethe at age 93, the lectures are presented here as QuickTime videos synchronized with slides of his talking points and archival material.
Links collected by Michael Nielsen.
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