Statistiques - Statistics
Richard Guy often refers to the law of small numbers which states that there are not enough small numbers to satisfy all the demands placed on them.
by Helen Joyce
INRIA Rhone-Alpes Projet IS2
provides resources for the professional in reliability engineering and related fields. Free reliability resources include on-line textbooks, reliability software and tools, discussion forums and numerous reference publications for life data analysis (Weibull analysis) and related fields.
Fréquences des lettres
Entrez un texte et calculez les fréquences d'apparition des 26 lettres de l'alphabet.
Ce petit programme vous permet de classer les lettres de l'alphabet en fonction de leur fréquence dans un texte que vous aurez préalablement placé dans l'aire ci-dessus.
Les lettres accentuées (é,è,ê,ë par exemple) sont remplacées par les lettres sans accents correspondantes (e dans l'exemple). Les majuscules sont remplacées par des minuscules. Les caractères autres que ceux de l'alphabet a-z sont éliminés avant la recherche (en particulier les espaces). Les lignes commençant par le signe dièze # sont des commentaires et ne sont pas prises en considération.
(Les fréquences des lettres en français peuvent être trouvées sur le site
Lexique2 réalisé par Boris New & Christophe Pallier).
Instituts de statistiques et sociétés de sondage
I N E D - Institut national d'études démographiques
Institut d'études de marché et d'opinion
Louis HARRIS appartient au groupe TNS (TAYLOR NELSON SOFRES)
TNS Sofres est le leader français et le deuxième groupe mondial des études marketing et d'opinion
offers true random numbers to anyone on the internet.
R is `GNU S' - A language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R is similar to the award-winning S system
R (Introduction, Scripts, ...), S-PLUS, Data Sets and S-PLUS/R Scripts for SCU Courses, Papers and Talks, CU Courses (Graduate School Web Page).
A random number generator Four times faster than rand() Of period 2**19937-1
Caution: MT is for MonteCarlo, and is NOT SECURE for CRYPTOGRAPHY as it is.
Reading/entering data, Choosing variables, Statistical analyses etc.
This tutorial teaches hypothesis tests for the mean. It is intended for students just starting with statistics and assumes no prior knowledge of any form of statistics. You will need to know how to calculate a sample mean and sample variance however.
a system for distributing statistical software, datasets, and information by electronic mail, FTP and WWW.
R is `GNU S', a freely available language and environment for statistical computing and graphics which provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques: linear and nonlinear modelling, statistical tests, time series analysis, classification, clustering, etc. Please consult the
R project homepage for further information.
Goose is a LGPLed C++ library dedicated to statistical computation.
A Program for Statistical Analysis and Matrix Algebra
MacAnova is a free, noncommercial, interactive statistical analysis program for Windows 95/98/NT, Windows 3.1 with Win32s, Macintosh and Unix written by Gary W. Oehlert and Christopher Bingham, both of the School of Statistics, University of Minnesota.
Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library
gretl Is a cross-platform software package for econometric analysis, written in the C programming language. It is is free software. You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Easy intuitive interface (now in French and Spanish as well as English)A wide variety of least-squares based estimators (including two-stage least squares) Single commands to launch things like augmented Dickey-Fuller test, Chow test for structural stability, Vector Autoregression Output models as LaTeX files, in tabular or equation format ntegrated scripting language: enter commands either via the gui or via script Command loop structure for Monte Carlo simulationsGUI controller for fine-tuning Gnuplot graphsLink to GNU R for further data analysis.
Rapid statistical analysis of scientific data under the GPL
It is written in Python using wxPython for the graphic user interface. The source code is available for those who want it.
ViSta is written in Lisp, using the XLispStat extensions for statistical software development. The system is completely open and extensible. The Lisp programmer can add whatever capabilities are desired.
XLisp-Stat is based on XLisp, a freely available version of Common Lisp, a functional object-oriented computing language.
Traffic Statistics For Your Website
is an open source C++ library for statistical computation written by Andrew D. Martin (Washington University), Kevin M. Quinn (University of Washington), and Daniel Pemstein.
It includes a suite of matrix manipulation functions, a suite of random number generators (useful for
Kosuke Imai, David A. van Dyk. Department of Statistics, Harvard University, Cambridge
Grocer: an econometric toolbox for Scilab
What is Grocer? Grocer is the econometric toolbox I (Eric Dubois) have developed for
Scilab, a matrix-oriented software similar to Gauss and
Matlab. Like Scilab, it is free and open source.___It contains: most standard econometric capabilities: ...
some rare -and useful- ones: - a pc-gets like device, ... - a contributions device, that provides contributions of exogenous variables to an endogenous one for any dynamic equation
a -rough- interface with Excel and unlike Gauss or Matlab, it deals with true timeseries objects.
C C++ code
is an open source C++ library for statistical computation written by Andrew D. Martin (Washington University), Kevin M. Quinn (University of Washington), and Daniel Pemstein.
It includes a suite of matrix manipulation functions, a suite of random number generators (useful for Markov chain Monte Carlo methods), and a suite of numerical optimizers (useful for maximum likelihood estimation).
Scythe is distributed under the GNU General Public License, and has been thoroughly tested on Linux (Redhat 7.3) and MacOS X.
This is a Java version of the C-program for MT19937: Integer version. The RNG has a period of period 2**19937-1.
Mean and Median, Sampling Distribution Simulation, Confidence Intervals etc.
Requires a browser that supports Java 1.1.
boîte à moustaches
Statistical software for data analysis on the Web.
Ce sont les principales sources de données statistiques fournies par les instituts nationaux partout dans le monde. Quelques-uns des ces données sont sauvés sous des fichiers Pdf ce qui peut être ouvert par le freeware Acrobat Reader pour Windows ou Acrobat Reader pour Mac . Quelqu'un autre sont sauvés dessous fichiers d'Excel et peut être ouvert par le freeware OpenOffice .
David M. Lane. The applets in the simulations/demonstrations are hereby in the public domain and can therefore be used without restriction.
David M. Lane
Some GAUSS applications in finance
What to do when non-normal is the norm. by Thomas Pyzdek
... For instance, most business processes don't produce normal distributions. There are many reasons why this is so. One important reason is that the objective of most management and engineering activity is to control natural processes tightly, eliminating sources of variation whenever possible. This control often results in added value to the customer. Other distortions occur when we try to measure our results. Some examples of "de-normalizing" activities include human behavior patterns, physical laws and inspection...
Modèles, Méthodes, Applications à l'usage des étudiants de DEUG, Licence et Master
M. Nikulin V. Bagdonavicius C. Huber V. Nikoulina
Pierre L. Douillet
A. Baccini & Ph. Besse1 Université Paul Sabatier
Kevin Quinn
Gilles Hunault
he BriefBook is a condensed handbook, or an extended glossary, written in encyclopedic format, covering subjects in statistics, computing, analysis, and related fields. It intends to be both introduction and reference for data analysts, scientists and engineers.