Welcome to the official website for the Python language.
he continued, free existence of Python is promoted by the contributed efforts of many people. The Python Software Activity (PSA) supports those efforts by helping to coordinate them. The PSA operates web, ftp, and email services, organizes conferences, and engages in other activities that benefit the Python user community. In order to continue, the PSA needs the membership of people who value Python.
This consortium would undertake Python development work funded by contributing members. CNRI is willing to host the Python Consortium and has produced a draft agreement for consortium members. The Python Consortium does not yet exist, but we invite organizations (companies, universities, research labs, etc.) to join. The consortium agreement is online here:
Grail is an extensible Internet browser written entirely in the interpreted object-oriented programming language Python. It runs on Unix, and, to some extent, on Windows and Macintosh. Grail is easily extended to support new protocols or file formats. Grail is distributed in source form, free of charge, and without warranties. It requires recent versions of Python and Tcl/Tk to run.
JPython is an implementation of the high-level, dynamic, object-oriented language Python seamlessly integrated with the Java platform and certified as 100% Pure Java.
I am the author of the Python programming language.
These demos only work if you are using Grail.
Christophe Delord - Un générateur d'analyseurs en Python
Fun(ctional) Parser Generator -- Un générateur d'analyseurs en Python. PopF -- Filtre de spam sur POP3. PyLog -- Une bibliothèque de logique du premier ordre en Python. Multi Lang Web -- Processeur html capable de gérer des sites web multilangues et d'utiliser des macros.
Check that you have a working Java 1.1 or 1.2 compatible JVM installed
JDK 1.1.6 from There should be no problems running JPython on this JVM.
Advertising :
If you see a reference in one of the files that is not linked, and you know of a link address to the appropriate document,
please send me mail, and I will include the link in the document. Thanks very much in advance.
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et sur plusieurs pages.
Les commentaires sont généralement des courts extraits des pages référencées.
Il est possible que certains liens nécessitent une mise à jour.
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Les mises à jour demandées sont réalisées dès que possible et,
sauf si c'est nécessaire, aucun message de réponse n'est expédié.
Merci de m'écrire.
Copyright © 1999-2012 Jean-Paul Davalan - Reproduction interdite.