INRP - Guillaume Lecointre, MNHN
Construction d'une classification phylogénétique
is a formal set of rules governing phylogenetic nomenclature. It is designed to name the parts of the tree of life by explicit reference to phylogeny.
Construction of a distance tree using clustering with the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmatic Mean (UPGMA).
Roderic D. M. Page
Here are some 193 of the phylogeny packages, and 18 free servers, that I know about.
Conversion d'un arbre parenthésé au format Newick (format des fichiers 'treefile' du programme
phylip) en un fichier au format '.dot' pour les programmes 'Dot' et 'Neato' de
is a suite of simple-to-use utilities that you can use to apply compression techniques to the process of discovering and learning patterns.
Selon la théorie de la complexité de Kolmogorov, est complexe ce qu?on ne peut représenter avec concision. Les objets du monde semblent distribués en fonction de cette complexité.
A standard PC file-compression program can tell the difference between classical music, jazz and rock, all without playing a single note.
Exactly what is it about The Fine Young Cannibals that is similar to Roxy Music?