The Reliable Multicast Framework provides mechanisms to allow the implementation of various reliable multicast styles rather than defining one specific protocol. Packet headers contain fields that a sender may set to define its required features of reliable multicasting. Upon receipt of a packet, the Universal Receiver of RMF uses the packet header information to determine which action(s) should be taken.
This reliable multicast protocol, developed by TASC, was originally designed to distribute very large imagery for collaborative application such as defense and medicine (high-performance / low-latency). Since its original RFC in 1993, this protocol has improved substantially and been tested within a number of networking environments.
following is a list and comparison of the transport-layer reliable multicast protocols that have been discovered through a WEB and literature search. While there is a significant amount of quality R&D about multicast, this site is dedicated to protocols that both have (or are well on their way to having) a protocol specification; and have (or are well on their way to having) an working implementation. This site excludes multicast routing protocols.
The Multicast Internet (commonly known as "the MBone") is the region of the public Internet that's connected by IP Multicast.
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