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Méta Langages - Meta Languages

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Elf is a constraint logic programming language based on the LF Logical Framework. It has no connection whatsoever to the ELF® statistical package, a commercial product by The Winchendon Group, Inc.
Elf is a uniform meta-language for specifying, implementing, and proving properties of programming languages and logics.
there are some problems and applications where the expressive power of CLP does not suffice. For example, qualitative reasoning needs a tool which is able to reason and infer information on constraints such as the determination of the tighter constraint which holds between two variables.



Sources Examples Tools Papers
<ftp://ftp.cs.cmu.edu/user/fp/INDEX.html> <ftp://ftp.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/ergo/export/ess/>



by Krzysztof Apt and Franco Turini (eds.)



This is the ftp index for papers related to Elf with short additional descriptions.
The KIF vocabulary for representing metalinguistic knowledge.
<http://www-ksl.stanford.edu/knowledge-sharing/ontologies/html/kif-meta/index.html> <http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/lopstr/lopstr94.html>

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