Marin Mersenne
On November 17, 2003 Michael Shafer's computer found the 40th known Mersenne prime, 220,996,011-1! This number "weighs in" at a whopping
Perfectly Scientific, Inc. is an algorithm company. We sell software that embodies classical algorithms and/or our proprietary algorithms.
Let p be any odd natural number. If two of the following conditions hold, then so does the third: 1) p = 2^k +/- 1 or p = 4^k +/- 3 2) 2^p - 1 is a prime 3) (2^p + 1)/3 is a prime
nobody knows if the Mersenne numbers (2p -1, p=prime) or the Fermat numbers are squarefree or not...
The non-Pentium version
Eric W. Weisstein with contributions by Ed Pegg, Jr.
December 2, 2003--Almost exactly two years after the 39th largest Mersenne prime was discovered (MathWorld headline news: November 14, 2001, announcement; December 5, 2001, confirmation), 220996011 - 1, a number having 6,320,430 decimal digits, has been identified as a Mersenne prime, making it the largest such number as well as, by far, the largest known prime discovered to date.
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