OpenPage is a technology developed by Canon and used in many Canon products. OpenPage binds many years of progress in the theory of image composition into a new graphics and image processing library. It can be compiled into application programs or called as a separate process via a scripting language. OpenPage's key features are sophisticated graphics and compositing, low memory usage, and fast printing - even when large high resolution images are used. Unlike other page description languages that were developed for black & white, and later modified to try to support color, OpenPage has been designed with color in mind from the very beginning.
is a new digital imaging and print system that combines the latest paper, printer, hardware and software technology to produce a truly state-of-the-art photographic print system.
Wallpapers, Screen Savers, Web kits, Icons, Cursors
The RAW Problem
In the short history of digital photography, manufacturers have released numerous cameras with constantly evolving RAW formats. This has lead to the existence of a vast number of RAW "dialects," even within each major brand, that store image and camera setting data in a different manner.
David Bellot - The first deck of SVG playing cards ever created
You can use it everywhere you like : Web pages, games, the GNOME desktop, the KDE desktop, and so on... You can print them on your color printer and make real cards or T-shirts.
new internet printing application developed by Canon Information Systems Research Australia Pty Ltd. It runs on Windows 95, 98 and NT 4.0, and is designed for users who need to collect, arrange and print information from the internet quickly and easily.
David Tschumperlé Rachid Deriche - INRIA
The tutorial gives a very basic information on the various areas of application in GIS like Global Positioning System, Remote Sensing, Aerial Photgrammetry and Image Processing.
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