Sir William Rowan Hamilton (1805 - 1865)
Hamiltonian cycle and path problems, their generalizations and variations
Pablo Moscato, Prof. Z. Gregory Gutin
David R. Wilkins School of Mathematics Trinity College, Dublin
Welcome to the Mathematical world of 8 and 16 dimensional hypercomplex numbers where strange laws hold
Dr Steve Sangwine
This page describes current work on hypercomplex processing of digital colour images in the Multimedia Architectures and Applications Research Group in the Department of Electronic Systems Engineering at the University of Essex.
Basics. Notation, addition, subtraction. Multiplication. Also division, such as it is. Limits. Algebra. Matrix representations, linearity and polynomials. Rotation. Rotation proofs. Differentiation. Differentiation proofs. Multiple differentiation Integration. Standard functions. Exponentials and such. Factorizations. Factorizations of integer quaternions. PM-Equivalence. R-Equivalence. Cis-Equivalence. Factoring example. Numbers related to quaternions.
This page compares quaternion multiplication and orthogonal matrix multiplication as a means to represent rotation.
traduction de Mustapha Bismi
Nexus 3D
Jean-Francois Colonna France Telecom R&D/DTL/DLI and CMAP/Ecole Polytechnique.
Doug Sweetser This is a calculator that can take real, complex numbers or quaternions as input, using the scalar, i, j and k buttons for each part.
is the Java-style programming language used by the
Unreal Engine. This is the starting point for the Unreal Wiki's reference pages...
Geometry - Quaternion (Quaternion pour représenter une rotation dans l'espace à trois dimensions)
James Mills Peirce Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 5 (1899), 335-337.
P. Bas, N. Le Bihan and J-M Chassery
On the connexion of quaternions with continued fractions and quadratic equations
William Rowan Hamilton 1853
Henry G. Baker
Martin John Baker
Ken Shoemake
BibM@th V&F Bayart
né à Dublin le 4 août 1805, décédé à Dublin le 2 septembre 1865.
A l'âge de 5 ans, Hamilton avait déjà étudié le latin, le grec et l'hébreu et il maîtrisa rapidement d'autres langues. A l'âge de 15 ans il se mit à l'étude des travaux de Newton et de Laplace.
Pekka T. Laakso
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