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ENSup. et Minist. EN
Séminaire MaMuX
Mathématiques, musique et relations avec d'autres disciplines



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The MET++ project addresses the design and implementation of a reusable multimedia framework. MET++ is an object-oriented application framework that supports the development of multimedia applications by providing reusable objects for 2D graphics, user interface components, 3D graphics, video, audio, and music. The collaboration between these objects is incorporated into a framework so that the class library builds a running application where the control flow, event dispatching, and message passing is preimplemented. MET++ manages the standard behaviour of a multimedia application such as time synchronisation and user interaction (file dialog, cut-copy-paste, multi-level undoable commands, etc.). A developper will customize the MET++ application framework by composing reusable objects, by building subclasses through inheritance, and by overwriting hook methods to add his specific functionality.
<http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/groups/mml/projects/met++/met++.html> <http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/7184/guitool.html> <http://cyberia.cfdrc.com/FOX/fox.html> <http://www.cfdrc.com/FOX/fox.html>
Coral is a collection of C++ (except OSD which is C) libraries.




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Copyright © 1999-2012 Jean-Paul Davalan - Reproduction interdite.