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Development Environment

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written in Java, designed by Luc Hogie, and released under the GPL. Its purpose is to create a totally configurable and modular development environment that lets you create applications really quickly without any difficulty.
ow the most powerful Smalltalk development environment is available in a free, non-commercial version. VisualWorks 3.0 Non-Commercial is available for evaluation and educational purposes. If you want to take a test drive, learn VisualWorks or Smalltalk, you now have the complete application development environment at your fingertips.
Moonshine is an application development tool for Linux that supports a wide varity of languages. It is designed in a modular fashion so that specific language support is not built directly into the application but into plug-ins or modules. The application provides a graphical file viewer, a configurable text editor, and a help engine. The individual modules provide icons, menus, help files, context highlighting rules for text, and utilities specific to the module.
MAWC Aids Widget Editing. It is my attempt at providing an IDE for the Qt toolkit and the KDE project.
<http://www.wardrobe.demon.co.uk/mawc/mawc.html> <http://www.troll.no/qt/> <http://www.troll.no/developer/> <http://leb.net/OffiX/release.html>
V - A Freeware Portable C++ GUI Framework for Windows, X, and OS/2
Xclass is a Win95-looking GUI toolkit, it is Xlib-based and is written in C++. Although it is mainly wm-independent, some of the planned features might require special support in fvwm95, for example, applications using a MDI mechanism for managing child windows



gIDE is a new gtk-based Integrated Development Environment for the C programming language. gIDE is currently under heavy development and help is always appreciated. Steffen Kern is the author of the project.
<http://gide.pn.org/> <http://www.gtk.org/>
Enhydra.org is an organization dedicated to supporting the efforts of the Enhydra community. Enhydra.org's goal is to evolve an Open Source Java/XML application server in the spirit of the Apache Project. Enhydra.org is currently sponsored by Lutris Technologies.
<http://www.enhydra.org/index.html> <http://genix.net/unixODBC/>



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