Systèmes Concurrents
Research in CSAG focuses on hardware and software architecture issues in parallel and distributed computer systems (e.g. MPP's, scalable servers, and clusters and workgroups of workstations).
part of the Programming Languages and Software Systems group in the Department of Computer Science, explores a variety of research topics in parallel and distributed computing, adaptive computation, parallel programming languages, groupware and information systems. Much of this work centers around the Linda programming language or ideas that have been spawned from work on the Linda system.
Stanford CS Theory Division The concurrency group conducts research into models of concurrent behavior, with applications to programming and specification languages for parallel and distributed computation.
Department of Computer Science, University of Adelaide.
The Modelling Concurrent Systems Group conducts research into models of concurrent behavior, with applications to programming and specification languages for parallel and distributed computation. Furthermore, we are looking for techniques for verfying concurrent systems. We develop and maintain the verificatin platform Truth.
University of California, Santa Cruz.
EPCC has always been a focus for research both through the support of research carried out on our HPC facilities and through the development of new technologies for HPCN. These pages collect together some of the aspects of the research work that is carried out here.
University of Paderborn, Germany. Formerly known as Evolving Algebras.
The Mozart system provides state-of-the-art support in two areas: open distributed computing and constraint-based inference. Mozart implements Oz, a concurrent object-oriented language with dataflow synchronization.
Univ. of Central Florida.
L.V. Kale and Sanjeev Krishnan Parallel Programming Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
We present arguments for the adequacy of medium grained execution for concurrent object oriented systems such as Charm++ on current stock multicomputers.
parallel processing
PVM distributed computing environment
the MPI (Message Passing Interface) standard for parallel machines.
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