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Couleur - Color

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David Madore
What is light ? Light is the region of the electromagnetic spectrum which the unaided human eye can perceive. On the blue (short wavelength) end, the limit is rather sharp and we can put it at a wavelength of 390nm (a frequency of 770THz) for extreme violet. On the red (long wavelength) end, the limit is not as clear-cut, but it can be set around 700nm (430THz) for extreme red. Waves with higher frequency than extreme violet are called ultraviolet, and those with lower frequency than extreme red are called infrared...
What is color? The eye perceives luminous sensations by means of four kinds of cells on the retina: one kind is called rods, while the other is called cones...
Optimizing Web Graphics
<http://www.webreference.com/dev/graphics/palette.html> <http://xavier.hubaut.info/coursmath/vie/couleurs.htm>
Multi-Color and Artistic Dithering. Reproducing Color Images Using Custom Inks. Resolution or more colours ­ Making the choice. Specifying color differences in a linear color space...
Available color systems are dependent on the medium with which a designer is working. When painting, an artist has a variety of paints to choose from, and mixed colors are achieved through the subtractive color method. When a designer is utilizing the computer to generate digital media, colors are achieved with the additive color method.
<http://www.worqx.com/color/color_systems.htm> <http://www.rainbow-sassnitz.de/Pantone-CMYK-RGB-Umrechnung.html>
Systèmes de couleurs dans l'art et les sciences
Pythagore, Aristote, Platon, Robert Grosseteste, Léon Battista Alberti, Léonard de Vinci, Aron Sigfrid Forsius, Franciscus Aguilonius, Robert Fludd, Athanase Kircher, Richard Waller, Isaac Newton, obias Mayer, Moses Harris, Johann Heinrich Lambert, Ignaz Schiffermüller, James Sowerby, J. W. von Goethe, Philipp Otto Runge, Charles Hayter, Michel Eugène Chevreul, George Field, James Clerck Maxwell, Hermann von Helmholtz, William Benson, Wilhelm von Bezold, Wilhelm Wundt, Ewald Hering, Charles Blanc, Nicholas Ogden Rood, Charles Lacouture, Aloïs Höfler, Hermann Ebbinghaus, Robert Ridgway, Albert Henry Munsell, Wilhelm Ostwald, Michel Jacobs, Max Becke, Arthur Pope, Edwin G. Boring, R. Luther & N.D.Nyberg, S. Rösch, Douglas L. MacAdam, Walter S. Stiles, Faber Birren, Tryggve Johansson, Æmilius Müller, Alfred Hickethier, Sven Hesselgren, J.Frans Gerritsen...



The International Color Consortium was established in 1993 by eight industry vendors for the purpose of creating, promoting and encouraging the standardization and evolution of an open, vendor-neutral, cross-platform color management system architecture and components.



Terrace L. Waggoner
by Dr. Terrace Waggoner
Please indicate a resource to be viewed, and a color filter to be applied to that resource



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